I see sparkling waters on the shore line of a beautiful beach.

A Message from The Lord Given to Beloved Shelley Anna 


Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior says,

Beloved. Walk with me. Rest in me.
That I may replenish your soul; with my life giving water. Immerse yourself in the endless depths of my love. And partake of my strength to endure the harshness of this world. I am with you always. Holding you in my heart.
Thus saith ,The Lord.



Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior says,

Misinterpretations of My Word They have chosen to believe in, have brought about false doctrines and schism in the church, misleading many down that broad path of destruction.
They would rather believe lies,even when confronted with the truth.
Blaspheming the Holy Spirit of Truth, from hearts of stone. Harden not your hearts.
For behold, I stand at the door and knock.
Whoever welcomes my spirit of truth, welcomes me. Place your trust in me, allowing my truth to abide in your hearts, safeguarded from deception, from deceiving spirits;that seek the ruin of your soul  

Thus saith ,The Lord.


But we strongly caution you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to draw yourselves away from every brother who is walking in disorder and not according to the tradition that they received from us.

-2 Thessalonians 3 : 6

For behold, I stand at the door and knock




Earth Sabbath 
Be watchful of the times 

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